When putting the Tax ID or the Parcel number into Flex, the preferred format is to not include the dots and dashes.
Do not use - 11-2.2-33-004-005-006.007
Preferred - 112233004005006007
If a listings history does not track due to a difference of formating of this number, MLS Admin will correct previous closed listings if necessary.
Specifically for Greene County, the Assessors office has informed us that, "The 88 is still the first two numbers of every parcel in Greene County. We typically don’t display the 88 anymore or require it typed in to searches on our website. The Collector’s Office does require the 88 when searching for paid tax receipts." However, because of how the history tracking works in Flex, the MLS requires that the '88' be put at the beginning of the number.
Do not use - 0123456789
Preferred - 880123456789
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