Coming Soon - No Showings is a status type used when there is an agreement in place, but the listing needs more time to prepare it for showings. There are many rules and extra documentation required to use this status. It is assumed if you are using a Coming Soon - No Showings status, you understand all the rules and are therefore subject to fines that may occur with its misuse.
So before you set your listing to Coming Soon, review this article to make sure you have followed all of the steps.
To Input the Listing
- All "Coming Soon - No Showings" listings will require the executed Coming Soon Addendum to be
attached to the documents section of the listing at the time the listing is entered into the MLS. See How to Add a Document to a Listing. A “Coming Soon – No Showings” status requires all the same data required to submit an “Active” listing into the MLS. - The Listing Participant/Subscriber is required to select the MLS status as "Coming Soon - No Showings" when entering the listing. The "Start Showing Date" may not exceed fourteen (14) calendar days after the Begin Date (effective date of the listing as indicated by the signed employment agreement) and shall require the owner(s) consent on the MLS Coming Soon Addendum. Participant/Subscriber further understands that the “Start Showing Date” may not be changed for any reason and the “Coming Soon – No Showings” status must remain in place until the “Start Showing Date”.
- “Coming Soon-No Showings until xx/xx/xx date”, shall be clearly added to the beginning of the public Marketing Remarks. Primary photo must prominently display “Coming Soon – No Showings”.
Functionality on the MLS
- The listing will automatically transition from "Coming Soon - No Showings" to "Active" status on the
"Start Showing Date". When a listing moves to “Active” status inside the MLS, the listing must be made available for showing by Participants and Subscribers of SOMO MLS. - Once the listing moves from "Coming Soon - No Showings" to “Active” status, the same MLS listing
cannot revert to "Coming Soon - No Showings". Listings of the same property address cannot be entered as a “Coming Soon - No Showings" listing again unless at least 60 calendar days have passed since the original ''Coming Soon - No Showings" listing's effective date. In situations where a transfer of title has taken place within 60 days of a property address' status as "Coming Soon - No Showings" in MLS, the Listing Subscriber/Participant may notify the SOMO MLS Administrator and include a copy of the new Listing Agreement, indicating the new possessor of legal title, in order to place the new listing inside the "Coming Soon - No Showings" status. In Relocation “Buyout” situations, where a business or relocation company purchases a listing from the current Possessor of Title and that same property address is listed within 60 days of the previous listing's status as Coming Soon - No Showings", the property address may be entered as a “Coming Soon - No Showings" listing. - Days on Market (DOM) will begin calculating when the listing’s status changes from “Coming Soon – No Showings” to “Active.”
Marketing during the Status Duration
- When a listing’s status is reported to the MLS as “Coming Soon - No Showings," a showing prohibition is deemed to apply to all MLS Participants and Subscribers, including those affiliated with the Listing Participant. Other licensees and/or potential buyers are also prohibited from showing appointments during the time a listing is “Coming Soon - No Showings" status.
- BROKER/MLS Participant REALTOR® may place a brokerage sign on the property which must include a “Coming Soon” rider, but only after the listing has been entered into the MLS.
- The "Coming Soon - No Showings" status shall not be used or implemented to create a "pocket listing” or to circumvent other MLS policies or rules. It is understood that Participants/Subscribers may not show a property (regardless of its status) where showings and/or ability to submit offers is unavailable to cooperative agents and brokers.
Listings Not Eligible
- Listings are not eligible for inclusion as "Coming Soon - No Showings" inside the MLS if there is currently a pending sale in effect. However, if the Listing Participant/Subscriber receives an offer during the time at which a listing is "Coming Soon - No Showings", the offer must be presented to the Seller in accordance with all applicable laws & regulations.
- If a property is currently in “Active” status and available for showings in another MLS, then the property is not eligible for inclusion inside the MLS "Coming Soon - No Showings" status.
- Listings with a "Coming Soon - No Showings" status will be included on syndicated websites such as, and in any IDX/VOW feeds, or other third-party site feeds.
- The "Coming Soon - No Showings" status will be searchable inside Flexmls via all Search functions and will also be displayed as "Coming Soon - No Showings" on the MLS Hot Sheet.
- “Coming Soon - No Showings" listings will have manual email, subscription email, and print functionality enabled via Flexmls. "Coming Soon - No Showings" listings will also be viewable on consumer portals via Flexmls.
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