Adding any documents to a listing in flex is done in the Change Listing screen. You will see a grouping of options under the Media section. One of those options is documents. After clicking on documents, you will be presented with the option to add. Document files cannot exceed the maximum file size limit of 10MB. Once added, you may select whether the document will be public or private. You can also edit, remove, and rearrange the order of documents in this section.
When adding a Lead-Based Paint Disclosure, select the name of the document from the list provided in the 'Select a Description' menu for Flex to recognize it as a required document.
The description of all other listing documents should be typed in the text box provided.
Click 'Save' when you are finished. To review your added documents, return to the Documents menu and click the name of the document from the list. Next, select the document icon to open a preview in a new window.
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